Lexi Mondot
Menstrual + Womb Healing Basics for all Genders
Many of us are familiar with the Circadian rhythm, how the rise and fall of the sun every day affects the rhythms and hormones in our bodies. There is another rhythm- the Infradian rhythm, that affects us just as much, but we are largely unaware of how much impact it has on our daily lives. The infradian rhythm is a 28 day cycle dictated by the moon that dictates the fertility hormones of all plants, animals and humans on earth. It is present in all, but manifests more heavily in those who menstruate. This cycle has four distinct phases where we biochemically become four very different people with our brain chemistry changing 25% throughout the month. And yet, as a society and as people, we are SO DISCONNECTED from this inner force of nature, that we have such large disturbance, disease and discomfort in the mind, body and spirit in a world that is designed for circadian rhythm hormones-only in a hyper-productive culture. This cycle is a direct reflection of the four seasons of the earth, and the more we heal our relationship to our menstrual, lunar and solar cycle awareness, the more connected we become to nature, ourselves and one another- across all gender spectrums. Join the Cycle Witch in a 90 minute workshop to learn the four phases of the infradian, lunar and menstrual cycle. Healing our relationship to this cycle not only increases our vitality and wellness, but also unlocks our full creative potential as humans. When we cherish the life cycle within us of these four distinct phases and understand the strengths, characteristics, sensibilities, brain chemistry, energy levels and gifts of each phase - we are able to put an end to burn out, maximize our creative potential and learn to love + trust our bodies and intuition. Heal this spiritual disconnection that has demonized the lunar cycle, written of as ‘lunatic’, the womb cycle, written off as ‘hysterical’ and menstruation written off as ‘shameful.’ Heal your access to one of the most profound portals to the Universe- the womb and its cycles. This is for all genders, as this healing benefits us all.
Lexi, aka, The Cycle Witch, helps healers, coaches, instructors and spiritual leaders dismantle harmful patriarchal influences from their spiritual, business, relational and life practices using Cyclical Arts- a devotion that revives the most ancient ways of aligning with our bodies, the Earth, and each other by honoring lunar, solar and menstrual cycles. They are dedicated to healing humanity's relationship to these cycles- and all genders' relationship to the menstrual cycle + infradian rhythms as a pathway to ending global warming. They lead the Cuntopia movement to shift us from a dominating, linear and production-based model to one that honors our inner forces of nature to live in harmony with nature’s cycles instead of against it. Lexi has a B.A. with Honors in Dance, a B.A. in Theatre and a Certification in Arts Management from Hollins University. They are a 200hr Certified Yoga Instructor through The Mindfulness Center, have been practicing Cyclical Living and witchcraft for 15 years and instructing/performing dance for over 20 years.